International Women in Engineering Day: Celebrating Innovation and Breaking Barriers

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The International Women in Engineering Day, celebrated annually on June 23, is a time to commemorate the achievements of women in this field and to inspire the next generation of innovators. Despite significant advances, women remain a minority in areas such as engineering and technology.

Less than 30% of professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) worldwide are women. In Europe, the percentage of women in engineering is around 41%. However, female representation in startups is growing: in 2022, 22% of Portuguese startups had women as founders or co-founders.

Among the challenges and opportunities women face is the need to break gender stereotypes: society still associates STEM careers with men, discouraging young women from early on from pursuing this profession.

Promoting equal opportunities is thus a challenge. Combating discrimination and ensuring equitable access to education and career opportunities in STEM is crucial. Celebrating role models by sharing the stories of successful women engineers can inspire new generations and create inclusive environments, promoting work cultures that value diversity and inclusion in companies and educational institutions.

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The role of women in innovation and startups has shown a positive impact on companies that value female presence in their decision-making bodies. Generally, women bring new perspectives and ideas to companies where diversity of thought is crucial for innovation and solving complex problems.

Research has revealed that women have a better understanding of the needs and challenges faced by other underrepresented groups, contributing to the creation of more relevant and inclusive products and services.

One of the areas where female presence has proven particularly relevant is in the development of technologies with social impact. Women engineers are at the forefront of creating solutions for the world's most urgent problems, such as climate change and poverty.

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The Future of Engineering

The future of engineering depends on the full participation of women. By removing barriers to their entry and advancement in the field, we can create a more innovative, inclusive, and sustainable future for all.

This role primarily falls on companies and educational institutions, implementing policies and initiatives that promote gender equality and inclusion in STEM; but also on governments and parliaments, responsible for creating public policies that support women's participation in STEM fields.

Equally important is the role of individuals, challenging gender stereotypes and encouraging young women to pursue careers in STEM. Finally, women engineers have a duty to share their stories and mentor other women who wish to follow a career in the field.

International Women in Engineering Day is a day to celebrate the achievements of women in this field, but also to reflect on the road still ahead. It is crucial that we continue to work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable environment so that all women can have the opportunity to reach their full potential in engineering and contribute to innovation and societal development.

José Mendes
Jornalista e sociólogo, sou um entusiasta das relações humanas e interesso-me particularmente por questões de liderança e problemáticas organizacionais. Encontra-se desde 2015 a de...